
Spongebob boat o cross 2
Spongebob boat o cross 2

spongebob boat o cross 2 spongebob boat o cross 2 spongebob boat o cross 2

If you are outside of the USA, you can instead come this way and resize your window accordingly. You sir have piqued my interest! Tell me, where can I play this boatocross thingy? Obviously, the first game attracted a demographic outside of kids with no sense of what's good and bad, and so the developers of this game came back in full force - and this time, they are pandering to said demographic, adding a whole slew of customisation and keeping the physics as they are. As I said, the goal of this game is to get to the end of the stage, but to do so, you will have to fight with a fluctuating framerate and a peculiar physics engine that will flip your boat over on even ground, to not speak of what it does when you hit bumps and ramps. It is the most rage-inducing game ever created by a human being, right up there with such masterpieces like QWOP, Wizardry 4 and the NES Ninja Gaidens. The original Spongebob Boat-O-Cross would have fallen into obscurity, and this sequel wouldn't exist if it wasn't for a simple detail: Tell us, why should we care about some licensed tie-in flash game that's probably not good in the first place? A flash game on Nickelodeon's website, featuring our beloved Nickelodeon hero Spongebob Squarepants and his merry friends, as they drive a boat around and try to get to the end of the stage. This, my friend, is Spongebob Boat-O-Cross 2, sequel to the original Spongebob Boat-O-Cross. Alright what the fuck is this thing, Dac?

Spongebob boat o cross 2